Themes by mickasmt

Astro Nomy screenshot

Differents pages and examples apps built with Astro v4.5, shadcn/ui & react js. Open Source.

Next Auth Roles Template screenshot

Open-source Nextjs 14 Template Starter with Auth.js v5, User Roles & Admin Panel. Remove blog or docs parts with one cli.

Next Mobbin Clone screenshot

Replicate the design of to test the news components of shadcn-ui. #builtinpublic

Next Saas Stripe Starter screenshot

Open-source SaaS Starter with User Roles & Admin Panel. Built using Next.js 14, Prisma, Neon, Auth.js v5, Resend, React Email, Shadcn/ui, Stripe, Server Actions.

Ui Colorgen screenshot

An application designed to assist you with color configuration of shadcn/ui !