Shadcn drizzle-orm

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SaaS Boilerplate built with Next.js + Tailwind CSS + Shadcn UI + TypeScript. Full-stack React application with Auth, Multi-tenancy, Roles & Permissions, i18n, Landing Page, DB, Logging, Testing

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Get started quickly with Next.js, Postgres, Drizzle, Stripe, and shadcn/ui.

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Get started quickly with Next.js, Postgres, Stripe, and shadcn/ui.

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An open source e-commerce skateshop build with everything new in Next.js.

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Shadcn table with server-side sorting, filtering, and pagination.

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Build full-stack Next.js apps, incredibly fast

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Relivator: Next.js 15 React 19 eCommerce Template ▲ i18n Stripe Shadcn UI Tailwind Drizzle ORM Zod TypeScript TS Clerk Radix, Responsive Server Components, Postgres Neon, Intl App Router Docs User Actions Kit, SaaS Commerce eCommerce Shop Pricing Payments Dark Mode Full Stack Free more stars ...

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Relivator: Next.js 15 React 19 eCommerce Template ▲ i18n Stripe Shadcn UI Tailwind Drizzle ORM Zod TypeScript TS Clerk Radix, Responsive Server Components, Postgres Neon, Intl App Router Docs User Actions Kit, SaaS Commerce eCommerce Shop Pricing Payments Dark Mode Full Stack Free more stars ...

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Online marketplace built using Nextjs 13 App Router with server components, server actions, parallel and intercepting routes as well as Drizzle ORM.

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Subs ! Track your subscriptions easily

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Most intuitive unified AI chat interface.

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Template to build web apps with sync engine using hono, pg, drizzle, electric-sync, react, shadcn.

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Open source beautiful link in bio pages.

default image is headless form handling and lead routing for marketing-minded developers.

default image self hostable, feature rich, minimalistic and open source URL shortener. Built with Next.js, Drizzle, NextAuth and Postgres.

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Anime streaming site with Anilist OAuth. Built with Nextjs14, Drizzle, NextAuth, Shadcn-UI, Next-PWA and Tremor

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Nextjs 14 starter preconfigured with Bun, Shadcn-ui (TailwindCss), Typescript, Supabase, Drizzle, Docker, Husky and more!

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📚 The crowdsourced dictionary for developers. Find definitions for technical terms, programming jargon, and more!

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Ad-free Kdrama streaming app. Built with Nextjs, Drizzle ORM, NeonDB and shadcn-UI

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An open-source Photograph travel Blogbuilt using Next.js, Drizzle, Neon, Better auth, Shadcn/ui and Hono.js.

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Threads clone built with Nextjs 14, Drizzle, shadcn UI, Neon DB and NextAuth

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An Open Source Next.js Saas Kit

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Shadcn/ui form builder.

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Get independence from SaaS without loosing its developer experience, the infra primitives to adapt to any future requirement, and the tools to build delightful, secure user experiences.

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A minimal starter template using Svelte 5, Supabase, shadcn-svelte, GitHub auth, iconify, and Zod.

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Create interative conversational forms

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A modern starter template to kickstart your next web application with an efficient and flexible stack. This template combines powerful tools for both frontend and backend development, offering seamless integration and full type safety.

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A self hosted oriented boilerplate for developers who want full control: cut your costs, secure your data, and focus on what matters.

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Hiyori is an e-commerce platform equipped with a custom Content Management System (CMS), designed to provide an exceptional online shopping experience. Built using the latest web technologies such as Next.js 14, GraphQL, Supabase, Drizzle, ShadcnUI, and TailwindCSS.

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An open source Next.js bare starter with step-by-step instructions if required. Built with Next.js 14, Drizzle (Postgres), NextAuth/Auth.js.

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Personal Portfolio and Blog, built with Next.js, TailwindCSS, Shadcn/ui, Aceternity/ui, Framer Motion