Shadcn scss

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Note Gen is a note taking app built with shadcn/ui and next.js.

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A modern WYSIWYG rich-text editor base on tiptap and shadcn-ui

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A modern WYSIWYG rich text editor based on tiptap and shadcn ui for Reactjs

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Stunning UI is a collection of interactive Tailwind CSS components built for Vue and Nuxt.

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Next.js SaaS boilerplate with NextAuth, Prisma, Supabase, Shadcn/ui & Lemon Squeezy Subscriptions

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MantineHub(previously Mantine Theme Builder) is an open-source tool to create modern, customizable shadcn inspired themes for Mantine UI components. Easily adjust styles, colors, radius, and light/dark modes, and export the theme object for quick integration into any Mantine project.

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Share your code. Manage Form & Link.

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WordPress Plugin Boilerplate utilizing modern web technologies and tools such as React, TypeScript, SASS, Tailwind CSS, Shadcn UI, Vite, Grunt.js, Storybook, HMR and more.

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Shopco - Free Next.js 14 App Router, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, shadcn-ui, framer-motion, redux toolkit E-commerce Website.