Shadcn svelte

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Open source ngrok alternative designed for teams. Tunnel http, tcp or websocket connections.

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Franken UI is an HTML-first, open-source library of UI components that works as a standalone or as a Tailwind CSS plugin. It is compatible with UIkit 3. The design is influenced by shadcn/ui.

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Create modern Tauri desktop apps in just a few simple steps with shadcn/ui. React, Next.js, Sveltekit.

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Highly extensible text editor for svelte made with TipTap and ShadCN UI

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A minimal starter template using Svelte 5, Supabase, shadcn-svelte, GitHub auth, iconify, and Zod.

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The classic notepad, enhanced!

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A self hosted oriented boilerplate for developers who want full control: cut your costs, secure your data, and focus on what matters.

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A modern, efficient, and feature-packed monorepo boilerplate. Uses SvelteKit, tRPC, Shadcn, Tailwind CSS and Turborepo

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Universal Component Intellisense for Any Frameworks

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Minimalist Developer Portfolio Template using Svelte, Inspired from Magic UI