Free Shadcn Templates

Open-source and free Shadcn templates, themes, components & ui-kits.

292+ Shadcn Themes
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shadcn/ui is a collection of beautifully designed, accessible, and customizable UI components for React, built on top of Radix UI and styled with Tailwind CSS. Shadcn revolutionized UI libraries with a copy-paste model, giving developers full control without dependencies. Its component registry l...

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Radix Primitives is an open-source UI component library for building high-quality, accessible design systems and web apps. Maintained by @workos.

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UI Library for Design Engineers. Animated components and effects you can copy and paste into your apps. Free. Open Source.

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A curated list of awesome things related to shadcn/ui.

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Get started quickly with Next.js, Postgres, Drizzle, Stripe, and shadcn/ui.

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Get started quickly with Next.js, Postgres, Stripe, and shadcn/ui.

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Vue port of shadcn-ui

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Vue port of shadcn-ui

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An open source e-commerce skateshop build with everything new in Next.js.

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Open-source Auth0/Clerk alternative

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SaaS Boilerplate built with Next.js + Tailwind CSS + Shadcn UI + TypeScript. Full-stack React application with Auth, Multi-tenancy, Roles & Permissions, i18n, Landing Page, DB, Logging, Testing

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An invoice generator app built using Next.js, Typescript, and Shadcn

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UI kit to make beautiful, animated interfaces, faster. Customizable. Open Source.

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Admin Dashboard Starter with Nextjs15 and shadcn ui

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A Simple / Speedy / Secure Link Shortener with Analytics, 100% run on Cloudflare.

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Shadcn table with server-side sorting, filtering, and pagination.

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npm for design engineers: largest marketplace of shadcn/ui-based React Tailwind components, blocks and hooks

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Admin Dashboard UI built with Shadcn and Vite.

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Open source email app to reach inbox zero fast.

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An open-source starter kit based on Midday.

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🌟 Automatically render forms for your existing data schema

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Build full-stack Next.js apps, incredibly fast

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一款开箱即用的 Vue 中后台管理系统框架,支持多款 UI 组件库,兼容PC、移动端。vue-admin, vue-element-admin, vue后台, 后台系统, 后台框架, 管理后台, 管理系统
