Free Shadcn Templates

Open-source and free Shadcn templates, themes, components & ui-kits.

292+ Shadcn Themes
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Combobox/autocomplete component built with shadcn/ui and Downshift.

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dynamic island features

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Create interative conversational forms

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The classic notepad, enhanced!

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A modern starter template to kickstart your next web application with an efficient and flexible stack. This template combines powerful tools for both frontend and backend development, offering seamless integration and full type safety.

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A self hosted oriented boilerplate for developers who want full control: cut your costs, secure your data, and focus on what matters.

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A starter template for modern web development with nextjs 14, tailwindcss, typescript, trpc, clerk auth, and prisma.

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Hiyori is an e-commerce platform equipped with a custom Content Management System (CMS), designed to provide an exceptional online shopping experience. Built using the latest web technologies such as Next.js 14, GraphQL, Supabase, Drizzle, ShadcnUI, and TailwindCSS.

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AI travel planner leveraging Next.js, Convex, Clerk, Resend and OpenAI APIs for natural language interactions

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A collection of shadcn installable react hooks

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JobSync is a job search tracker and job seekers' assistant to manage job search efficiently, its self hosted and open source, built with nextjs, react and shadcn

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Beautiful animated UI components and effects built with shadcn/ui and Motion.

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ShadCN Date Time Picker

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Insights into HackerNews "Who's Hiring" thread.

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A modern, efficient, and feature-packed monorepo boilerplate. Uses SvelteKit, tRPC, Shadcn, Tailwind CSS and Turborepo

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My personal website built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript.

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An ultra-modern, visually-rich, bento ui using Next.js, PocketBase, shadcd/ui, tailwind css, magic-ui, and zod.

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Craft flowcharts and diagrams effortlessly with Blox AI. Seamlessly create visuals and rich documentation, collaborate with your team, and enjoy secure sharing. Start visualizing your ideas today!

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🧠 DevOverflow is a complex Next.js 14 app that exhibits Q&A platform for developers to ask questions, share knowledge, and learn from each other.

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Pixiemist - AI SaaS for Image editing

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Free platform to watch movies/series in highest quality

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A blog and video hosting site leveraging Next.js, PagesCMS, Lanyard, shadcn/ui and Tailwind CSS hosted on Vercel.

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Universal Component Intellisense for Any Frameworks

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