A minimal, yet unique, landing page template built with Nextjs 15, shadcn/ui and Tailwind 4
A landing page template crafted with Next.js, shadcn/ui, and Tailwind. Perfect for quickly launching a marketing site with essential sections.
A fintech style app template built on Nextjs with shadcn/ui and Tailwind. Perfect for creating a modern and efficient startup or fintech marketing site
SaaS Boilerplate built with Next.js + Tailwind CSS + Shadcn UI + TypeScript. Full-stack React application with Auth, Multi-tenancy, Roles & Permissions, i18n, Landing Page, DB, Logging, Testing
A minimal, yet unique, landing page template built with Nextjs 15, shadcn/ui and Tailwind 4
Relivator: Next.js 15 React 19 eCommerce Template ▲ i18n Stripe Shadcn UI Tailwind Drizzle ORM Zod TypeScript TS Clerk Radix, Responsive Server Components, Postgres Neon, Intl App Router Docs User Actions Kit, SaaS Commerce eCommerce Shop Pricing Payments Dark Mode Full Stack Free more stars ...
Relivator: Next.js 15 React 19 eCommerce Template ▲ i18n Stripe Shadcn UI Tailwind Drizzle ORM Zod TypeScript TS Clerk Radix, Responsive Server Components, Postgres Neon, Intl App Router Docs User Actions Kit, SaaS Commerce eCommerce Shop Pricing Payments Dark Mode Full Stack Free more stars ...
A Next.js starter template, packed with features like TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Next-auth, Eslint, Stripe, testing tools and more. Jumpstart your project with efficiency and style.
Template to build web apps with sync engine using hono, pg, drizzle, electric-sync, react, shadcn.
An opinionated, unstyled static blogging template—built with Astro, Tailwind, and shadcn/ui.
Shadcn Theme Editor is a user-friendly component designed to simplify the process of managing and customizing theme colors in Shadcn-based projects.
UI - Project management interface inspired by Linear. Built with Next.js and shadcn/ui, this application allows tracking of issues, projects and teams.
Shadcn Theme Editor is a user-friendly component designed to simplify the process of managing and customizing theme colors in Shadcn-based projects.
This template helps you build apps with Astro, Tailwind CSS, and Shadcn UI.
[DEPRECATED] This package provides theme integration using shadcn-ui for refinedev.